What is the Western Canadian Region Archive? |
Building of the Archive |
How to use the search engine
Please contribute to the Western Canadian Region Archive |
Search Criteria and Examples |
Composer | All CMC Associate Composers are listed in a drop-down list with the composer’s surname in capital letters. The names of composers affiliated with the BC Region appear in blue; composers with no data appear in gray. Click on the name of a composer to enter it into the search strategy. | ADASKIN, Murray |
Premiere | Checking the Premiere box will retrieve all documents associated with the first performance of a specific composition or first performances of all compositions of the selected composer. Premiere years were not always available | |
Performance Date | This field can be used to retrieve performances on a specific date. The search must include the full date and must be in the format: mm/dd/yyyy as shown in the example. Unless full dates were available, the date field has been left blank. | 03/17/1994 |
Source Date | This field can be used to retrieve source material of a specific date. | 03/17/1994 |
Content | Content in the database is classified as belonging to one of the categories in this drop-down list. Including one of the categories in this list as part of a search limits the results to documents that have been filed in that category. | Biography |
Search text | Any text entered here will also include searches for foreign characters and single quotes (apostrophes). For example, entering francois will also include results for François. Entering adaskins workshop will also include results for Adaskin's workshop. | sonic boom sonic boom 2009 "sonic boom 06" |